Here are the coins that they use in Australia. No PENNYS, no Quarters. No dollar bills, but they had both $1 and $2 coins. As you can see from this picture, the 2 dollar coin was actually smaller that the one dollar coin. The paper bills started at $5 and were differnt sizes and colors. They all had something that looked like a cellophane window in them to help stop counterfeiting. I really liked how some of their money there was structured. The bills were larger if the amount was larger, which I am sure would be helpful to those raised in U.S. public schools. The 5 cent pieces (I don't think they call them nickles there) were about the size of our dimes and the 10 cent pieces were more the size of our quarters. Their 20 cent piece was about about the size of our half dollars and the 50 cent piece was the size of a silver dollar only with 12 sides on the edges. I never really knew how much money I had in my change pocket. But the Aussie's were for the most part understnding of my dilemma with figuring it all out.
This would have confused the heck out of me! I met a mn from Australia that called our money funny money. He said it all looked the same and commented on how hard it was to differentiate.
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