Where it all started
The Rocks Area (Sydney) is where the British Penal Colony first started and where the prisoners built the housing for the officers and men. This was actually the beginning of Australia. 

Lows: Not realizing that flying from Sydney to Coolangatta is NOT an international flight (and therefore) Jet Star (Qantas' version of Southwest Airlines) charges you for luggage for everything OVER 50 kilos. Making reservations at the Conrad Hotel in Brisbane and then showing up at the Hilton Brisbane without a reservation. Not being able to find a restaurant with Morten Bay Bugs (really sweet small lobsters) on the menu. The fact that the First Class level of service on Air Tahiti Nui is EVEN better than the first class service on Qantas. UNLIKE Qantas, they do not have a reciprocal agreement to use the Admirals Club at LAX when flying First Class. NOT finding any Opal jewellery (sic) that Sherry liked (but did find non-opal stuff she liked). Trying out Vegemite. This stuff tasted like well salted axle grease. (Well. . . maybe NOT THAT GOOD)! It must be an aquired taste.

Lows: Not realizing that flying from Sydney to Coolangatta is NOT an international flight (and therefore) Jet Star (Qantas' version of Southwest Airlines) charges you for luggage for everything OVER 50 kilos. Making reservations at the Conrad Hotel in Brisbane and then showing up at the Hilton Brisbane without a reservation. Not being able to find a restaurant with Morten Bay Bugs (really sweet small lobsters) on the menu. The fact that the First Class level of service on Air Tahiti Nui is EVEN better than the first class service on Qantas. UNLIKE Qantas, they do not have a reciprocal agreement to use the Admirals Club at LAX when flying First Class. NOT finding any Opal jewellery (sic) that Sherry liked (but did find non-opal stuff she liked). Trying out Vegemite. This stuff tasted like well salted axle grease. (Well. . . maybe NOT THAT GOOD)! It must be an aquired taste.
G'day, to folk who were not fed large quatities of Vegemite when they were children , (this includes NO Australian children) it is conceivable that you may not be as enamoured by it as we are, but if you wish to be welcomed back here again I would strongly suggest, (nay I would insist) that you make no further references to axle grease.
I'll leave it at "IT IS AN AQUIRED TASTE"! ~ jb///
I need to know exactly what vegemite consists of. No offense to the Aussies, but I never heard anything good about it.
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