The Harbour at Circular Quay
The Opera House photo taken from the Harbour Bridge. 

Other comments about the trip: To start off when we got to LA and went to First Class on Qantas from American Airlines, the change was VERY obvious. When we checked in with Qantas, they asked us to wait for the boarding announcement in the LAX AA Admirals Club (which I don't get to go in when flying first class on American [does that seem weird or is it just ME]). While up there, we were sitting with Dakota Fanning and her family. (Actually her mom, tutor and aunt.) She was treated just like a movie star (go figure) and finally her agent (or PR guy) arrived and they took off. I really thought they might be on our flight to Sydney, but retrospectively, they must have been doing pre-release promos for "War Of The Worlds". It must be difficult to be a kid and have the whole world treat you not only as an adult, but also as someone with celebrity status. Sherry had no idea who she was, (but she knew that she was someone special because of the treatment Dakota was receiving), but I recognized her right away.

Other comments about the trip: To start off when we got to LA and went to First Class on Qantas from American Airlines, the change was VERY obvious. When we checked in with Qantas, they asked us to wait for the boarding announcement in the LAX AA Admirals Club (which I don't get to go in when flying first class on American [does that seem weird or is it just ME]). While up there, we were sitting with Dakota Fanning and her family. (Actually her mom, tutor and aunt.) She was treated just like a movie star (go figure) and finally her agent (or PR guy) arrived and they took off. I really thought they might be on our flight to Sydney, but retrospectively, they must have been doing pre-release promos for "War Of The Worlds". It must be difficult to be a kid and have the whole world treat you not only as an adult, but also as someone with celebrity status. Sherry had no idea who she was, (but she knew that she was someone special because of the treatment Dakota was receiving), but I recognized her right away.
That little Dakota is a cutie. She is very talented as well. Although I have to agree. It is anything but normal to grow up as a celebrity.
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